My Google Scholar page can be found here.
My NASA ADS page can be found here.
My Inspire HEP page can be found here.
Selected Publications:
Summary: First/primary author: 11; contributing author: 20; total papers: 31 (23/31 peer reviewed, with 4 in prep)
– Google Scholar statistics: h-index: 12, total citations: 1464, highest cited first-author (overall) paper: 118 (548).
Full Bottom-up Background Simulations of the 2016 COSI Balloon Flight
Gallego, S., Oberlack., U., Lommler, J., Karwin, C. M., Zoglauer, A., Jean, P., von Ballmoos, P., Kierans, C., Sleator, C., Tomsick, J., and Boggs, S., In Prep.Characterizing the Gamma-Ray Emission from Low-Luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei (first author)
Karwin, C. M., Khatiya, N., Boughelilba, M., Ajello, M., Reimer, A., and Hartmann, D., In Prep.
Gamma-Ray Emission from Radio Galaxies and their Contribution to the Isotropic Gamma-ray Background
Circiello, A., McDaniel, A., Di Mauro, M., Karwin, C. M., Khatiya, N., Ajello, M., Donata, F., and Hartmann, D., In prep.
The Second Catalog of Low-Energy Fermi-LAT Sources
Joffre., S., Ajello, M., Marcotulli, L., Karwin, C. M., Ballet, J., Lott, B., Gasparrini, D., In prep.Imaging and Spectral Fitting of Bright Gamma-ray Sources with the COSI Balloon Payload (link)
Roberts, J., Boggs, S., Siegert, T., Tomsick, J. A., Ajello, M., von Ballmoos, P., Beechert, Cangemi, F., Gallego, S., Jean, P., Karwin, C. M., Kierans, C., Lazar, H., Lowell, A., Martinez Castellanos, I., Pike, S., Sleator, C., Sheng, Y., Yoneda, H., and Zoglauer, A., arXiv:2412.04721 (2024), accepted to The Astrophysical Journal.Constraining Dark Matter Annihilation with Fermi-LAT Observations of Ultra-Faint Compact Stellar Systems (link)
Circiello, A., McDaniel, A., Drlica-Wagner, A., Karwin, C. M., Ajello, M., Di Mauro, M., and Sanchez-Conde, M., arXiv:2404.01181 (2024), accepted to The Astrophysical Journal Letters.
Atmospheric Response for MeV Gamma Rays Observed with Balloon-Borne Detectors (first author, link)
Karwin, C. M., Kierans, C., Shih, A., Martinez-Castellanos, I., Lowell, A., Siegert, T., Roberts, J., Gallego, S., Laviron, S., Zoglauer, A., Tomsick, J., and Boggs, S. E., The Astrophysical Journal 974.1 (2024): 146.
Legacy Analysis of Dark Matter Annihilation from the Milky Way Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies with 14 Years of Fermi-LAT Data (link)
McDaniel, A., Ajello, M., Karwin, C. M., Di Mauro, M., Drlica-Wagner, A., and Sanchez-Conde, M., Physical Review D 109.6 (2024): 063024.
Sub-GeV Gamma Rays from Nearby Seyfert Galaxies and Implications for Coronal Neutrino Emission (primary author, link)
Murase, K., Karwin, C. M., Kimura, S. S., Ajello, M., and Buson, S., The Astrophysical Journal Letters 961.2 (2024): L34.
Revealing High-Z Fermi-LAT BL Lacs Using Swift and SARA Data with Photometric Analysis (link)
Sheng, Y., Rajagopal, M., Kaur, A., Ajello, M., Domingues, A., Rau, A., Cenko, S. B., Greiner, J., Hartmann, D., Cox, I., Joffre, S., Karwin, C. M., McDaniel, A., Silver, R., and Torres-Alba, N., The Astrophysical Journal 964.1 (2024): 63.
Characterizing the γ-ray Emission from FR0 Radio Galaxies (link)
Khatiya, N., Boughelilba, M., Karwin, C. M., McDaniel, A., Zhao, X., Ajello, M., Reimer, A., and Hartmann, D., The Astrophysical Journal 971 (2024): 84.
Probing the Galactic Diffuse Continuum Emission with COSI (first author, link)
Karwin, C. M., Siegert, T., Beechert, J., Tomsick, J., Porter, T., Negro, M., Kierans, C., Ajello, M., Martinez-Castellanos, I., Shih, A., Zoglauer, A., and Boggs, S. E., The Astrophysical Journal 959.2 (2023): 90.
The Cosipy Library: COSI’s High-Level Analysis Software (link)
Martinez-Castellanos, I., Gallego, S., Huang, C., Karwin, C. M., and 72 additional authors, PoS ICRC2023, arXiv:2308.11436 (2023).
COSI collaboration paper, authors are listed in alphabetical order (except for first author).
The Compton Spectrometer and Imager (link)
Tomsick, J., Boggs, S. E., Zoglauer, A., Hartmann., D., Ajello, M., Burns, E., Fryer, C., Karwin, C. M., and 67 additional authors, PoS ICRC2023, arXiv:2308.12362 (2023).
COSI collaboration paper, authors are listed in alphabetical order (except for first four authors).
Gamma-ray Emission from Galaxies Hosting Molecular Outflows (link)
McDaniel, A., Ajello, M., and Karwin, C. M., The Astrophysical Journal 943.2 (2023): 168.
Deep Learning Models of the Discrete Component of the Galactic Interstellar Gamma-Ray Emission (link)
Shmakov, A., Mohammadamin, T., Baldi, P., Karwin, C. M., Broughton, A., and Murgia, S., Physical Review D 107.6 (2023): 063018.
Improved Modeling of the Discrete Component of the Galactic Gamma-Ray Emission and Implications for the Fermi-LAT Galactic Center Excess (first author, link)
Karwin, C. M., Broughton, A., Murgia, S., Shmakov, A., Mohammadamin, and T., Baldi., P., Physical Review D 107.12 (2023): 123032.
The All-sky Medium Energy Gamma-ray Observatory eXplorer (AMEGO-X) Mission Concept (link)
Caputo, R., Ajello, M., Kierans, C. A., Perkins, J. S., Racusin, J. L., ..., Karwin, C. M., and 49 additional authors, Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems 8.4 (2022): 044003.
AMEGO-X collaboration paper, authors are listed in alphabetical order (except for first five authors).
Improving the Low-Energy Transient Sensitivity of AMEGO-X Using Single-Site Events (link)
Martinez-Castellanos, I., Fleischhack, H., Karwin, C. M., Negro, M., Tak, D., Lien, A., Kierans, C., Wadiasingh, Z., Fukazawa, Y., Ajello, M., Baring, M., Burns, E., Caputo, R., Hartmann, D., Perkins, J., Racusin, J. L., and Sheng, Y., The Astrophysical Journal 934.2 (2022): 92.
Snowmass2021 Cosmic Frontier: The Landscape of Cosmic-Ray and High-Energy Photon Probes of Particle Dark Matter (link)
Aramaki, T., Boezio, M., Buckley, J., Bulbul, E., von Doetinchem, P., Donato, F., Harding, J. P., Karwin, C. M., and 17 additional authors, contribution to Snowmass 2021, arXiv:2203.06894 (2022).
My contributed section: Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope Current Status
The Future of Gamma-Ray Experiments in the MeV-EeV Range (link)
Edited by Engel, K., Goodman, J., Huentemeyer, P., Kierans, C., Lewis, T. R., Negro, M., Santander, M., and Williams, D. A., contribution to Snowmass 2021, arXiv:2111.10600 (2022).
My contributed section: Neutrino Gamma-Ray Connection
Modeling and Simulations of TXS 0506+056 Neutrino Events in the MeV Band (link)
Lewis, T., Karwin, C. M., Venters, T. M., Fleischhack, H., Sheng, Y., Kierans, C. A., Caputo, R., and McEnery, J., arXiv:2203.07360 (2021).
Gamma Rays from Fast Black-Hole Winds (primary author, link)
Ajello, M., ..., Karwin, C. M., and 103 additional authors, The Astrophysical Journal 921 (2021): 144.
Fermi-LAT collaboration paper, authors are listed in alphabetical order.
I am one of five contact/primary authors.
On Dark Matter Explanations of the Gamma-Ray Excesses From the Galactic Center and M31 (link)
Burns, K., Fieg, M., Rajaraman, A., and Karwin, C. M., Physical Review D 103.6 (2021): 063023.
Dark Matter Interpretation of the Fermi-LAT Observations Toward the Outer Halo of M31 (first author, link)
Karwin, C. M., Murgia, S., Moskalenko, I. V., Fillingham, S., Burns, A, and Fieg, M., Physical Review D 103.2 (2021): 023027.
Search for Gamma-Ray Emission from P-Wave Dark Matter Annihilation in the Galactic Center (link)
Johnson, C., Caputo, R., Karwin, C. M., Murgia, S., Ritz, S., and Shelton, J., Physical Review D 99 (2019): 103007.
Fermi-LAT Observations of Gamma-Ray Emission Towards the Outer Halo of M31 (first author, link)
Karwin, C. M., Murgia, S., Campbell, S., and Moskalenko, I. V., The Astrophysical Journal 880.2 (2019): 95.
Dark Matter Interpretation of the Fermi-LAT Observations Toward the Galactic Center (first author, link)
Karwin, C. M., Murgia, S., Tait, T. M. P., Porter, T., and Tanedo, P., Physical Review D 95.10 (2017): 103005.
Fermi-LAT Observations of High-Energy Gamma-Ray Emission Toward the Galactic Center (link)
Ajello, M., ..., Karwin, C. M., and 121 additional authors, The Astrophysical Journal 819.1 (2016): 44.
Fermi-LAT collaboration paper, authors are listed in alphabetical order.
Microwave Properties of Twisted and Supertwisted Nematic Liquid Crystals with Weak Anchoring (first author, link)
Karwin, C. M., and Livesey, K. L. Liquid Crystals 41.5 (2014): 707-716.
Liquid Crystal Phase Shifters with a Twist (first author, link)
Karwin, C. M., and Livesey, K. L. Applied Physics Letters 103.6 (2013): 063508.